Thursday, August 28, 2008

McCain Congratulates Obama on Historic Night

It's great to see at least 30 seconds of class in the presidential campaign.
Foon Rhee, deputy national political editor of the Boston Globe, writes in a blog:

The much-hyped John McCain TV ad airing tonight is unprecedented only in the sense that it congratulates Democratic rival Barack Obama instead of attacking him.

"Senator Obama, this is truly a good day for America," McCain says. "Too often the achievements of our opponents go unnoticed. So I wanted to stop and say, congratulations.

"How perfect that your nomination would come on this historic day," the presumptive Republican nominee says, referring to the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" address in Washington. "Tomorrow, we'll be back at it. But tonight senator, job well done."

The 30-second spot, which will air on national cable TV before, during, and after Obama's acceptance speech tonight from Denver, is a marked departure from the withering series of ads McCain and Republicans have been running to question Obama's readiness to be president.

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