Thursday, August 28, 2008

Olbermann: Lets Wrap Him Up, All Right?

Every day I go to my office and I occasionally see some bickering and backstabbing. It happens everywhere. I'm sure it happens at your workplace as well. The great advantage we have is that our offices don't have cameras broadcasting the in-fighting to America. MSNBC doesn't have that luxury. All week long we have been witnessing unprofessionalism at its best.

Once again, the internal politics of MSNBC spilled over to the set last night, and watching it unfold makes everyone feel good that we don't work there.

Keith Olbermann had another moment of indignation for a guest on MSNBC. Republican pundit Mike Murphy was being interviewed by Chris Matthews on his belief that Hillary and Bill Clinton would campaign for Obama, but when they got into the voting booth, they would pull the lever for John McCain. Olbermann's reaction, which once again may have been off microphone, was "Let’s wrap him up, all right?”

Another new target of Olbermann's wrath could be, of all people, Tom Brokaw, one of the most trusted journalists in history. Page Six of the New York Post reported Wednesday that Olbermann wants Brokaw banned from MSNBC. Brokaw has expressed concerns that by allowing partisans Matthews and Olbermann anchor MSNBC's convention coverage, NBC is sending the wrong jounralistic message for its news organization. MSNBC spokesman Jeremy Gaines told Daily Variety in its report yesterday afternoon that "the claim that Page Six is making is completely and utterly ludicrous."

If the MSNBC folks get so unhinged so easily on their home turf at the Democratic convention, what the heck are we going to see in St. Paul when they are surrounded by thousands of Republicans?

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