Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Palin's E-Mail Account Hacked; Private Images, Messages Published on Web

In a new low this presidential election season, a group of hackers has broken into the Republican vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin’s private e-mail account, and a Web site has published screen grabs from it. The site, which I refuse to name or link to, posts family photos and snapshots of e-mail exchanges the Alaska governor had with colleagues. The email account apparently has been shut down, but the web site vows to keep the images up on its site for all to see.

FOX News reports:

“Here are the screenshots of the emails saved before the account went dark, along with the contact list. It’s newsworthy and we will not be taking it down!” the site declares.

Rick Davis, campaign manager for John McCain, released a statement calling the publication a “shocking invasion of the governor’s privacy and a violation of law.”

“The matter has been turned over to the appropriate authorities and we hope that anyone in possession of these e-mails will destroy them. We will have no further comment,” Davis said.

The article boasts about the lengths to which the reporter went to verify the account, saying he or she even called a phone number listed for Palin’s teenage daughter, Bristol, which apparently went to her voicemail. The site also listed dozens of contact e-mails from the account.

I won't even link to this because it's a terrible violation of privacy. But this is how the web site introduced its garbage on its main page:

Did the internet just cause Sarah Palin to destroy evidence? The potential Veep is in a bit of trouble for conducting state business using her personal, unarchived email address ( instead of her official account (which is, of course, subject to laws requiring the retention of government records). Emails from that Yahoo account are already being sought in connection with the Troopergate investigation. Now comes word that Anonymous, the fun-loving Internet trouble-makers based loosely around the message board 4Chan, gained access to another Palin email account: It looks legit! The offending posts, screenshots, heretofore unseen family photos, and emails have all been deleted from Imageshack and 4Chan. But we have them. You want to read Sarah Palin's email?

"Fun-loving" trouble-makers? This is the scum of the earth. What's amazing are all the idiots on the web posting comments on the blogs about how she deserved it.

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