Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Russell Brand: MTV Censored My Palin-Electric Chair Joke at MTV Awards

Russell Brand was forced to cut jokes about Sarah Palin sending her own daughter to the electric chair when he presented the MTV Video Music Awards, Ben Farmer of the Telegraph of London is reporting this afternoon.

The British comedian appeared to annoy celebrities and some fans when he made a series of risque political and sexual jokes hosting the 25th anniversary show.

But Brand, who called for Americans to vote for Democratic nominee Barack Obama in the presidential elections, claimed censors at the channel had already toned down his routine and vetoed several jokes.

He said: "I had John McCain gags pulled. And they asked me to tone down the gags about Sarah Palin. I wanted to say she was forcing her teenage daughter to have a baby because she is so anti-abortion.

"But also, as a Republican she is pro-execution so she is going to give her the electric chair for being a little slut.

"They weren't keen on that one."

Nevertheless, he did manage to include a reference to George W Bush as a "retarded cowboy" during the routine.

The Bush joke is seen in the video above.

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