Tuesday, August 26, 2008

CNN Wins on Day One, Nielsen Says

The Associated Press reports that CNN won the day yesterday:

An estimated 21.4 million viewers watched Michelle Obama's speech about her husband during the 10 p.m. hour Monday on either ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News Channel or MSNBC, Nielsen said. Add in BET and TV One, networks covering the convention for the first time, and the viewership reached 22.3 million. No immediate estimate was available for PBS or CNBC.

The six broadcast or news networks recorded 18.4 million viewers for the first night in 2004, Nielsen said.

NBC led the way this year with 4.9 million viewers, followed by CNN's 4.3 million. ABC had 3.8 million, CBS had 3.5 million, Fox News Channel had 2.9 million and MSNBC had 2.1 million.

What's odd is that MSNBC is in last place but NBC is in first, despite the multiple crossover in talent and reports.

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