Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Jay Mariotti Quits Chicago Sun-Times

In non-convention media news, star Chicago Sun-Times sports columnist Jay Mariotti has resigned, saying he sees the writing on the wall in the newspaper industry:

"I'm a competitor and I get the sense this marketplace doesn't compete," he told the competition, Jim Kirk of the Chicago Tribune. "Everyone is hanging on for dear life at both papers. I think probably the days of high-stakes competition in Chicago are over. To see what has happened in this business. ... I don't want to go down with it."

The resignation is just another blow for the Sun-Times. Its famous film critic, Roger Ebert, has been ill for years and its political columnist, Robert Novak, was recently diagnosed with brain cancer.

Mariotti says he made his decision in Beijing covering the Olympics where he saw most of the reporters writing for web sites. He said he would continue to appear on ESPN's "Around the Horn" but has not landed a new gig.

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