Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Evangelicals Still Backing Palin

CNN reported Monday that evangelicals are still backing the nomination of Sarah Palin as the Republican vice presidential candidate despite the revelation that her 17-year-old daughter is five months' pregnant.

"Before, they were excited about her, with the Down syndrome baby," conservative, anti-tax activist Grover Norquist said. "But now with this, they are over the moon. It reinforces the fact that this family lives its pro-life values."

"Fortunately, Bristol is following her mother and father's example of choosing life in the midst of a difficult situation," Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said. "We are committed to praying for Bristol and her husband-to-be and the entire Palin family as they walk through a very private matter in the eyes of the public."

Evangelical leader Richard Land also backed Palin completely.

"This is the pro-life choice. The fact that people will criticize her for this shows the astounding extent to which the secular critics of the pro-life movement just don't get it," Land said in a statement.

"Those who criticize the Palin family don't understand that we don't see babies as a punishment but as a blessing. Barack Obama said that if one of his daughters made a mistake and got pregnant out of wedlock, he wouldn't want her to be punished with a child. Pro-lifers don't see a child as punishment."

"Being a Christian does not mean you're perfect. Nor does it mean your children are perfect," said James Dobson, founder of ultra-conservative Focus on the Family and a key figure in the pro-life movement. Conservatives have been outraged at speculation about the Palins on liberal blogs, and any Democratic comments critical of the family are likely to meet a fierce response.

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